Young Girls Skin

A young girls skin is much more resilient than older people realise. I slept in my make up until I was 28 years old. We all did – a lot of us still do now. I feel that the more you pull your skin about the more lines you get.

 A lot of girls don't like their boyfriends to see them without make up and a lot of older women I talk to say they just can’t be bothered especially if they have drunk too much. The first signs of aging usually start at the age of 25. It is between then and 30 that you should really start a skin care regime. We all have a skin-age and every skin ages in a different way so it is not how old you are but how old your skin is.

If you really want to start caring for your skin at an early age then I think the most important care is to keep it clean and moisturise. I feel young skin has its own moisture so don’t overdo it and depending on how you feel a sunscreen is good to use these days.

If you have greasy or oily skin and you get a lot of zits or acne then you should exfoliate or scrub. Be careful how many times you use it. At first you can use a scrub up to three times a week but the minute your skin feels irritated you must cut it down to once a week. The products in your local chemist or pharmacy for young skin are very good. If your skin is dry then try a very gentle moisturiser or cream and don’t spend too much money on it because your skin doesn’t need it yet.

I think the Simple range from Boots the Chemist is really good for young girls because it is so gentle and Clearasil for the ones with problem skin.

A girlfriend of mine from Greece swears that if you take your young daughter to have her legs waxed as soon as they start to appear; then you actually break the hair follicles and all the hair as disappeared by the time they are 20.

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