Daily Skin Care Steps for Men

Your daily cleansing regime keep your skin looking handsome and fresh

If you find that extra five minutes a day to look after your skin the benefits will be amazing.

Every day you should wash your face to prepare for your shave. Soap is not good so go out and get yourself a good face wash. it will be well worth it. There are many brands to choose from.

After shaving you should moisturise your skin and keep it hydrated so the your skin is not leathery and is soft to touch. I think it is vital. A moisturizer protects your skin from the elements.

Three times a week you should exfoliate or scrub to retain a really healthy look and keep it zit or spot free.

Serums are very new to the market and not everyone understands them. These can be used daily but be careful because I find that on my skin, if I use them too much I breakout but they are very good and penetrate deep into the skin to nourish it.

Once a week if you can, apply a face mask to give your skin a boost.

You may not notice the difference immediately but after the first week you will find your friends and colleagues saying to you "have you been away?" and "you look good".

Are you a Busy man and travelling? See also Skin Care For The Man on the Go

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