Most Women Have Cellulite and Men Never Get it!

Don’t call me Thunder Thighs it’s my cellulite

Thunder Thighs. I don't know where I first heard that phrase. Somewhere in my faraway teenage years those words were shouted to some poor girl walking down the street. I never forgot it. I have battled with my thighs ever since. I hate the word Cellulite and have spent years keeping it at bay.

I started life as a dancer, great for the legs you may think but you have to be careful. Too much lower leg exercise and you can end up with the most awful looking calves and with my luck you get big thighs. In the winter you can hide everything with the comfort of thick black tights. I found 200 denier this year in Boots the Chemist. Best ever for me. When I went to the doctor thinking I had water retention he said all dancers have big thighs. Then the other reasons for cellulite - too much dairy, genetic, hormonal and even behavioural factors (what?).Worst of all is that men don’t get it.

Well summer can arrive at any time in England and the nude leg look is popular and also very attractive if your legs look good and it’s the same old story. It starts with those dressing rooms that have two mirrors and you suddenly catch sight of yourself from behind. Oh dear! Those pockets of fat that are nicely called orange peel effect and oranges are supposed to be good for you. Lovely isn’t it?

So what to do?

Cover Up

Make up helps and the market is suddenly full of it but it is messy and you have to take it off at night so forget that. Self tan is brilliant if you find the right one. I like Guinot and Dior. St Tropez is preferred by most fair skins and you must remember to buff it with a mitt to prevent streaking. It does hide it a little but you know it is still there.


Caffeine seems to be the newest direction. It is now put into tights (pantyhose) to help get rid of it as you walk and it is in the lotions and creams.

Salon Treatments

Heavy duty massage and thumping the skin with all sorts of equipment works but can cause veins to appear. Deep Tissue massage is good but you have to maintain it. Slendertone is better for the stomach. Detoxifying and fluid draining all work but not for long. Carita do a Slimming Pro Lift Therapy using electric currents to lift, firm and it combats the unevenness with an immediate effect. Elemis have a Fennel Cleansing Cellulite and Colon Therapy. Decleor uses the Aroma Detox Envelopment that uses Essential Oils and Marine Algae to breakdown fatty deposits, drain toxins and eliminate excess water retention. Thalgo, Marine Therapy specialists, take all the riches of the ocean, Oligo-Elements, Amino Acids and Algae and have the Frigi, a cold wrap treatment in which Plasmalg Gel is applied and you are then wrapped in bandages. It takes your body temperature down about 7 degrees and as you lie there you get colder and colder even in the summer but it is excellent for cellulite and tired heavy legs. You still have to maintain everything though.

Creams and Gels

I like Thalgo for cellulite and firming the skin. My favourites are the Slimming and Firming Cream and the Frigimince Spray. They also have Thalgomince LC24 Concentrate which for best results should be used with Thalgomince Cream LC24 and for me the best body product is Thalgo’s Feather-Light Legs which drops your body temperature and if you apply it all over your body you freeze and keep freezing even on the hottest of days so it is better if you stick to thighs, buttocks and stomach. It is especially good for your legs on long distance plane travel. I have found that if you apply Feather-Light Legs and then put on your flight socks just before take-off, I feel that it helps against blood clotting. (These are my personal views) and ten minutes before you land take of your flight socks and apply again and because of the reduction in temperature your shoes fit and your feet are no longer swollen. Brilliant!

Carita Serum Sculpteur refines and sculpts the body and helps against slackening.

Decleor has Slim Effect. The Lipo-Cellular Complex (from the Localised Contouring Gel Cream) and Caffeine target the factors responsible for the orange-peel appearance and helps encourage their elimination.

One area of expertise state that there is no evidence that diet helps and thin women get cellulite. Another area say that lots of exercise, a whole food diet no alcohol or cigarettes will ensure that you will never have cellulite.


I don’t believe in surgery for fat on legs, stomach and buttocks as too many people have had dangerous consequences.

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