Everyone Has Some Unwanted Hair

Most of us need face waxing at some time in our lives

Face waxing is when you wax all of your face and is very popular in the Asian world but not so much for the Europeans. The first time it is done the skin will often come out in welts.

Face waxing is when you wax all of your face and is very popular in the Asian world but not so much for the Europeans. The first time it is done the skin will often come out in welts.

This can happen quite a lot with first time waxing on any sensitive area. It happened to me when I was in Italy. I had gone to have a facial and while I was lying there with the mask jst taken off suddenly I felt a rip across my upper lip. “What have you done?” I said to the therapist. You have a moustache she said and I took it away it is ugly. The next day I came out in these lumps all over my upper lip which apparently are called welts. I was furious. Now I have to look awful during my holiday with all these horrible bumps and they hurt. Not only that I suddenly noticed when I looked in the mirror that when I pouted I had lines all around my top lip. I have always bleached my moustache blonde and now I know that it covered up all the lines I have and to my horror I realised that I was going to have to grow it back and go through this embarrassing time while the new growth appeared. I was not a happy bunny!

The ladies that do wax areas on their face normally stick to eyebrows in the area below their brows, upper lip and chin and some very brave girls have the inside of their nose waxed. the nose unfortunately makes me wince far too much to even think about having it done. These same ladies also use threading.

So remember, in most cases if it is your first time having your face waxed then you are more than likely to come out in welts. The second time will or should be fine. If you are in doubt then ask any Asian woman as they do know but do not talk about it as it is not really known outside their world. And if you do know about face waxing then please talk to me about it on my blog. I will be so grateful.

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